Gareth’s 10 IT Topics to Consider When Returning to Work
Our Saskatoon IT Tips are from the Trusted professionals at Burnt Orange Solutions. We promise to have a one-hour response time for all your Saskatoon IT support needs. Honesty and respect are important to us. In our latest IT Expert tip Article, Gareth shares 10 IT Topics to Consider When Returning to Work.
10 IT Topics to Consider When Returning to Work
As the province slowly starts to open up, more people are going back to work and physically being in their office. But before packing your lunch and heading to the office, there are a few IT Topics to Consider When Returning to Work
#1: Is it Necessary to Return to Work?
Most people are wanting to get out of the house, as spending the last few months working from home has become mundane looking at the same four walls of their ‘at-home office space.’ However, is it really necessary to physically return to work? Depending on your occupation, if you are able to continue working remotely and management has adapted to not need you in the office, then continue to work from home. There are many helpful tips available to continue working from home and help you have the best experience while working remotely.
IT Topics to Consider When Returning to Work #2: Ensure IT is Up-to-Date
Audio Visual with Antivirus Software
Anti-Malware/Antivirus is the first line of defense against the ills of the online world. Ensure that all devices including PCs, laptops, tablets, smart phones, and even Macs too, have an up-to-date version of the antivirus product. If these devices have been switched off for multiple months, an update is needed as a lot has happened in the cyber security world in the past few months. Once the antivirus software is up-to-date it would be a good idea to run a full scan of all the devices. Burnt Orange can help to ensure your devices along with data and network security is protected.
Software Patching
Software patching is as important as antivirus. Manually update your Windows and Mac operating systems to ensure productivity, and take the proper time to go through ALL of your remaining software to ensure they are fully up-to-date.
Firmware Updates: IT Topics to Consider When Returning to Work
Printers, Wi-Fi points, switches and routers all have software that require updates. These are easy points of access for certain virus types to gain access to your network and cause havoc. Go to the makers website, download the latest firmware for the device and install it.
Burnt Orange is here to assist with all of your technology optimizing needs. Contact us if you have questions.
#3: Is There a Data Backup in Place?
No matter how big or small your company is, you need to run a full backup of your data on a regular basis. Burnt Orange can help if you have any questions regarding data backup and recovery.
#4: Do Passwords Need to be Changed When You Return to Work?
Yes. Each employee should change their passwords including all users and admin users.
With employees logging in to work platforms from home, there is a possibility for viruses from their home computers to transfer over via login information. As an added precaution, change all employee passwords once employees have returned to work.
IT Topics to Consider When Returning to Work #5: What About Wi-Fi?
Check that all Wi-Fi access points are up and running. Then as an added precaution, use this opportunity to change your Wi-Fi passwords. Also look at Wi-Fi access points on your network that you do not recognize. This is an easy way for hackers to gain access to your network. Simply delete or click ‘Forget this Network’ if you see a network that does not look familiar. If you need help securing your Wi-Fi networks, contact the team at Burnt Orange.
#6: Inkjet Printers Require Cleaning
If you have inkjet printers in your office, you may find that they do not work as well as they did before. A thorough clean can help with printing quality by freeing up the nozzles helping the printer return back to normal.
IT Topics to Consider When Returning to Work #7: Should Remote Access be Disabled?
If you have employees that are continuing to work from home either full time or part time, then keep the remote access enabled. However, if it is no longer needed remote access does open a hole into your network that could be used to gain access from intruders. Consider if you will continue to use it and if not proceed to switch it off, without removing the system entirely for when you may need remote access again.
#8: Equipment Intake Fans
All of your equipment will have a cooling system of some sort. Check all the intake fans and clean them. It only takes a few seconds with a vacuum cleaner and this may save you a lot of money in the long run.
#9: Check Cables Regularly
As employees have not been in the office building for the last few months, critters may have taken the opportunity to move in. Small animals have been known to chew at cables. It is worthwhile to check what you can see and replace as needed.
#10: Physical Intrusion
When you return to the office, check to see if anything in your office looks out of place or looks like it has been tampered with. Are there devices you have not seen before? Do you see USB sticks in computers that are ‘new’, or Wi-Fi points that were not there before lock down? Contact us at Burnt Orange if you have any questions.
The world is slowly returning to normal, but nobody knows what is around the corner. Now is the time to put plans in place to make the switch from working remotely to going back to the office a seamless process in case this transition needs to happen again. Ask employees if there are any tweaks needed to the remote system to make them work more efficiently. Ask management what practices or changes to remote work would make their lives easier?
Any IT support company worth their salt will have many ideas on how to achieve an efficient remote working practice. Do not waste time reinventing the wheel, speak to one of us at Burnt Orange who has done it before so you don’t have to.
We hope this article gave you some insight. If you want to ensure your business’s IT security, contact the Trusted Saskatoon IT professionals at Burnt Orange Solutions and we can take IT worries off your plate.
Burnt Orange IT Solutions Products & Services:
- Managed Networks
- Backup and Recovery
- Data and Network Security
- Hosted Services
- Telephone Systems
- Secure WiFi Networks
“IT Support You Can Trust and Understand”