What to Look For in a Managed IT Services Agreement
Our Saskatoon IT Tips are from the Trusted professionals at Burnt Orange Solutions. We promise to have a one-hour response time for all your Saskatoon IT support needs. Honesty and respect are important to us. In our latest IT Expert tip Article, Gareth shares what to look for in a managed IT services agreement.
What to Look for in a Managed IT Services Agreement
When hiring an IT consulting firm for a project the following should be included in the services agreement.
A fixed budget and time frame for completion should be included in a Managed IT services agreement
A managed IT services agreement should always include a budget and time frame. Coming to an up-front agreement with your consultant regarding the cost and time frame of the proposed project will ensure goals and agenda are aligned. In terms of cost, it is the responsibility of your IT consulting firm to assess your project accurately and quote based on their prior knowledge and experience. A loose estimate is not what you want to be given as this allows room for the consultant to bill you extra due to unforeseen circumstances.
It is the job of a professional IT consultant to consider project contingencies and to bill accordingly. The onus should not be on you as the client to pay extra due to your consultant having underestimated a job or been inefficient in project completion.
A detailed scope of work
In a managed IT services agreement, the scope of work specific to the project should always be included. It is important for the client and IT consultant to be on the same page about what project success will entail. As a client, it is your responsibility to vocalize project expectations with regard to performance, work flow, costs, security, access, and anything else that is applicable. The more details you can provide to your consultant the better as there is less room for miscommunication, and the project is more likely to turn out as you wanted it to.
Testimonials should be available
For managed IT services, most reputable businesses will have testimonials available from previous clients. As a customer, you have every right to ask for these testimonials. It may even be in your best interest to speak to a previous client of theirs so you can be aware of their experience before going with the specific IT consulting firm.
Be wary of inexpensive quotes
For managed IT services it is important to be wary of inexpensive quotes. An inexpensive quote on an IT project can be an indication that the work will be done poorly or that the project will drag on for a prolonged period. The consultant may choose to overestimate a project quote which is not always a bad thing because the client will end up paying less if the project runs on time.
Overall, the IT services agreement is a critical aspect of your project and all details should be clear regarding the services your IT firm is providing to you.
We hope this article gave you some insight. If you want to ensure your business’s IT security, contact the Trusted Saskatoon IT professionals at Burnt Orange Solutions and we can take IT worries off your plate.
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- Managed Networks
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- Data and Network Security
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